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Get to know you new support team doing everything they can to ensure you're safe and happy on our website.

New Home Page

The new homepage is so much more than just a gallery. It's the front page of the book, the main hub of your profile and the new direct access to all-new social media.


Your new account will be stylish and new with some useless features gone to be replaced with better features.

Better Mobile Site

We agree that our old mobile site was a bit misleading. The new one is cleaner with a new, easy-to-use interface.

Multimedia will be the new home of GreenTouch Multimedia which will include old titles like "The Bloxburg Movie" and GreenTouch Multimedia movies.

Better Domain

The new domain is so much easier to type rather, than just typing "" again and again!


Our new support team is here to help! Well, to be more accurate, our new support team are bots. They help best. Carefully programmed, these bots can help you in just one minute! Obviously, if something goes wrong, you will be able to speak to a human! And if you are thinking no support is required because you know this site very well, think again. Our new website is the cleanest and most modern website we've ever used and it is encrypted with GEE and Llama Digital & Financial Security ensuring, you are safe and happy on!

Call Center Headset
OIP (1).jfif

Your new profile will be so much more than just a profile pic! It's your front page! Your social media will be stored there and you can start to create groups* just like in Roblox or Discord! And if people follow you, they can also do that on other social medias. They can even check out your Roblox games, YouTube videos and more right then and there! Unfortunately, though, Dneail+ Loyalty Program is one of the features that won't make it but may be replaced in the future.

*Creating groups will be released later in the year for Australians and then in 2021 for the rest of the world.


We are partnering up with GreenTouch Multimedia to present more books and movies. With our books and movie completely gone, we will be releasing all our movies and books on GreenTouch Multimedia! So now, you can even watch TV Shows and and listen to Audiobooks*! GreenTouch Multimedia is coming to!

*Coming later in the year and may only be available in Australia!

**Some features will require a Premium or Premium+ subscription.

Web Graphics
New Home Page

Our new home page is much better and excelling in detail! More than just a gallery, the Home Page will have recommended multimedia, your profile and events! 

New Home Page
Better Mobile Site

We admit that our old site is not very mobile supportive! It's very messy and out-of-order! But on this website, it's all nicely organized so that our mobile users can see their... well, everything! We might even be releasing a mobile app!

Mobile Phone
Better Mobile Site
Portfolio Web Design
Better Domain

Tired of writing our long domain over and over again? We got you covered. Now all you type is "". So much easier!

Better Domain

And so much more!


Get Premium or Premium+ to experience way more options! 

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